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Subtotal: £3,230.00

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EPH Price Promise - Found a better quote elsewhere? Give us a call on 01937 222 777
*Rental Price excludes transport, VAT and is based on a 1-3 days hire with discounted rates available for longer periods.

Concocting a World of Pure Imagination: The Unveiling of Our Chocolate Factory Event

Our Chocolate Factory staff event was more than just a sweet party—it showcased how expert theming and attention to detail could elevate a typical corporate event into a magical, storybook adventure.

Here at EPH Creative, we took the swirling rumours and the bittersweet tale of Willy’s chocolate misadventure as our cue to redeem our beloved props. Find out more about how we set the stage for an unforgettable EPH company bash that we produced in late January 2024. This was our annual staff party to reward our hard-working team after a busy festive season.

See a sneaky peak reveal of our reinvention of the chocolate factory theme, which our team are secretly working away at back at EPH HQ. (New theme due for release early April – so watch this space for unmatched Chocolate Factory inspiration!)

Choosing the Stage: First Impressions Count

The backdrop for this whimsical event? The Engine Shed in Wetherby, chosen not by chance but for its architectural idiosyncrasies that harmonised with our vision of a factory of dreams. 

It’s pivotal to see your venue as more than a space—it’s the silent storyteller of your event. Whether it’s a blank canvas or a venue brimming with character, the right setting can pivot an event from mundane to magical.

External theming and strategic lighting can transform even the most standard of venues.

From the get-go, our team were greeted not just by any ticket, but giant golden ones, setting the mood with hues of mystery and opulence. Remember, the entrance is your opening act; make it count. It should whisper promises of the wonders to come, enticing guests down the proverbial rabbit hole. (Oops wrong theme! Sorry Alice)

Engagement is the Name of the Game

The magic continued as our guests, each a holder of the coveted golden ticket, encountered the factory’s whimsical proprietor. Our company leaders love getting involved in this part of our team events, especially one of the company owners, Matt East. Watch out Timothée Chalamet, you’ve got nothing on Boss Matt’s improv skills! 

It’s these moments of personal interaction that elevate an event, transforming attendees from passive observers to active participants in the unfolding story… It’s a great ice-breaker too!

The takeaway? Never underestimate the power of a good character interaction to jazz up the experience.

TOP TIP:  Spark guest excitement and set the stage for an unforgettable event by sending out golden ticket invitations a month in advance, encouraging them to dress up and dive into the theme with their most imaginative costumes.

Strategic Space Utilisation

Dividing the event space into zones and creating anticipatory reveals are not just tactics; they’re a sophisticated approach to thematic storytelling. Think of it as setting the stage for a series of revelations that keep the intrigue bubbling.

Navigating through the venue, each zone was a chapter in our tale, meticulously planned to escalate the excitement and wonder. It’s about creating a seamless journey that captivates and delights at every turn.

From the reception, brimming with interactive games and vibrant photo ops, to the grand reveal of the main event space, our design philosophy was clear: each zone should captivate, inviting deeper exploration and engagement

TOP TIP:  For a touch of whimsy that’ll have guests buzzing, consider a candy floss station: it’s not just a sweet treat but a visual spectacle that adds an interactive layer of delight to your themed event.

A Game of Fruits and Laughter

We always push ourselves to add extra depth to our design by incorporating games and activities into the event. For the puzzlers – decoding encrypted messages and finding hidden secrets. For a more physical challenge – reaction games and skill based tasks. Feeling lucky? Gamble chocolate coins in the hope of winning the most coveted prize… A day off work!

Each of guests on entrance were also given a unique shopping list, trade with your teammates to complete your list to be in the running for a secret prize! The miniature fruit trading game was more than just entertainment; it was a engagement tool designed to encourage mingling, problem-solving, and teamwork. 

TOP TIP:  Games and personalised tasks, as suggested by industry insights, can profoundly enrich the thematic experience, providing guests with distinctive memories.

The Grand Unveiling: The Main Event Space

And then, the grand reveal—the main event space. It wasn’t just about the aesthetic but about choreographing an experience that fused beauty with functionality, from a dance floor that beckoned the most reserved to let loose, to themed bars that served concoctions reminiscent of the factory’s magic.

The main space, with its bridges over chocolate rivers, themed high tables, and a dancefloor amidst a candy-floss forest, was a testament to the importance of cohesive theming. Hidden codes, puzzles, and a carefully curated playlist added layers of engagement, showcasing the depth possible with thematic event design.

TOP TIP:  Elevate your event’s flavour profile with a themed cocktail list; it’s not just about serving drinks but crafting an immersive sipping experience that mirrors your event’s theme, turning each toast into a narrative journey.

The Sweet Science of Theming

In crafting this chocolate fantasy, we were reminded of the sheer power of a well-executed theme. It’s the cohesion, the attention to the minutest of details, that transforms a gathering into an epic experience. This event was our testament to the fun of thematic events, proving that with the right partner, your next event can be not just a celebration, but a story that lives on in memory.

Stay tuned for more tales from our event design diary, where we delve deeper into the magic behind creating immersive experiences. At EPH Creative, we’re not just about furnishing your events; we’re about bringing your most imaginative narratives to life.


As we wrap up our tale of confectionary wonders and thematic triumphs, keep your senses attuned to what’s brewing in our creative cauldron.

This April, we’re whisking you back to the chocolate riverbanks for a reimagined journey through the factory. Watch this space for a relaunch that promises even more enchantment, whimsy, and inspiration.

Read More about Projects from EPH Creative

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